A Snapshot of Life
Blogging has become such a passion project of mine over the years. I feel so blessed to get to work with so many amazing creative people and even more so to call so many my friends. More recently this has taken on even more meaning for me especially since my fiance is not here.
We do our best to prepare for uncertain situations in life but the reality is you can’t really know what something will be like until you experience it. My fiance left two months ago for work related training and since then, on my own, I have learned more about myself than I probably had in the past 10 years. To any woman or person struggling with finding balance in your life I completely and wholeheartedly understand. Stretching yourself a bit thin shows you exactly what is important: relationships, down time and those activities that give you more energy rather than take it away.
For me blogging has always been about sharing with a broader audience something that I live and breathe day in and day out: Fashion and personal style. Where else can I say “OMG I found this sweatshirt in the MEN’S section in Zara, isn’t that insane?” and have people think “great find” instead of “wait, who is this chick?” (But seriously, the men’s section.. what man is that tiny? But I’m not complaining..) This seemingly small and personal outlet for my creative fashion bug has become one of my favorite things to spend my time doing and interacting with all of you and my fellow bloggers has become a close second.
So thank you, for giving me this platform to share my perspective from every day. I look forward to each post and every interaction. The latest outfit is usually my favorite and like all of you my tastes are ever evolving. Thank you for putting up with the good, the strange, the great and the ‘did she really leave the house in that?’ Regardless of the end result I always have a blast writing/styling and shooting ever article. So keep reading and I will keep sharing and together we will make life just a little bit more spicy and of course even more stylish.
Cheers and thank you SO much for reading- Rebecca
*Photos by the ever so talented Maggie Bradshaw