Fashion and the Importance of Travel
Travel has a way of stretching the mind. The stretch comes not from travel’s immediate rewards, the inevitable myriad new sights, smells and sounds, but with experiencing firsthand how others do differently what we believed to be the right and only way.” ― Ralph Crawshaw
Fashion week has just started in New York City and already people from all over the country and many parts of the world are converging in one city. They are here to experience the best that the city has to offer as far in new and invigorating fashion. It’s a beautiful thing this idea of convergence; the thought so many of us from different places are brought together by a love of fashion in it’s purist most artistic form. What makes this even more powerful is to think of what each of us bring with us and also what we take with us when we leave.
I am in New York this week for fashion week so be sure you are following along on Instagram @BloggerNotBillionaire and stay tuned, a recap will be coming to the blog shortly!
Today’s Look
Treasure & Bond Leather Jacket | Topshop Vinyl Pants | Brixton Cap | White Ankle Boots (similar)