Labels You Need to Know: Maurie & Eve
Australian Cool: If you haven’t figured out by now this is a MOJOR thing especially in the fashion world. From the sun lovers at Bondi Beach to the chic workwear of Australian Fashion week, Aussies do their own thing and don’t give a hoot what people think of them. When that devil may care attitude then turns into a fashion statement then you better watch out.
This isn’t the first time I have covered an Australian fashion label. ‘Affordable luxury’ seems to be a sweet spot that many US retailers haven’t quite been happy to hit but in Australia they are mastering their craft. Today I am wearing one such label that has honed it’s craft and just begs to be worn by the aspiring street style stars of the world: Maurie & Eve.
What I love about Maurie and Eve is their ability to create incredibly feminine pieces that still feel sophisticated and edgy, nothing ‘girly’ about them. Their pieces are items for a woman who knows her style, is conscious of fashion trends and wants to highlight her figure all at the same time. This particular fringe blouse that I chose from the label was perhaps the least figure hugging item I could find on their site yet the peek-abo knit an the open sides add an allure to it that wouldn’t exist if it was simply an average oversized sweater. Maurie & Eve’s ability to transform a shirt into oh so many different styles is what first caught my eye and statement pieces like this 1 AM dress show just how good they are at their craft (don’t worry if it’s sold out, they come back into stock fairly regularly.)
The downside to the Australian Fashion industry would have to be their seasons conflicting with ours. When they are producing their best fall pieces we are heading into summer and vis-versa which is one of the main reasons why I think US retailers are a bit slower on the uptake with regards to their brands. Another reason why these labels may not be as popular in the US: Australians are much bolder with their trends than we are. Take culottes as an example. In the US yes, you are seeing a conservative version of these terribly fun equally unflattering pants in mass retail stores but you are certainly aren’t seeing them in bold color ways. In Australia not only are culottes EVERYWHERE but they come in wrapped versions, in bright colors, in PRINTS and any other combination under the sun you can think of. They simply are more daring, and in my humble opinion, more fun.
So let’s all do like the Aussie’s do and choose bold clothing options! Wear the color, the print, the fringe, the culotte and be confident doing it! (Not to mention most sites convert to the US dollar at checkout which means almost a third off from your conversion rate which is awesome!)