
It’s a Hot One: Let’s Wear a Dress

Zara Jacket on Sale here, Zara drop-waist dress, adorable alternatives here and here, Urbanog Shoes (old), Bag Zara here

 Alright, I may have had a moment of panic today when I started to write this post because I realized, oh my goodness, ANOTHER DRESS? In the same week? What is wrong with me? Now you may think this is bizarre and obviously the sun is getting to my head because this is an abnormal thing to freak out about but dress wearing is very unnatural for me. I am not at all what I would describe as a dress person. Perhaps that is because I often feel like I need a full several-item outfit and one piece just doesn’t feel sufficient but another part of me might just be worried I will flash someone on accident, who knows.

The fact of the matter is though that it is hot, and us temperate weather Seattle folk aren’t used to this. Therefore I found myself going out and buying a bunch of dresses in an attempt to survive the heat (it’s only 90 and there is no humidity, we know we are wimps.) But rest assured, after this post featuring a dress I actually love and don’t feel too girly in, I will embark on an anti-dress campaign so I won’t inundate you flouncy styles and have you questioning where my person style went. Happy Thursday and thanks for stopping by! Cheers!


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